====== Notes Wiki ====== A new experiment because in the past i have stopped taking notes because they are to hard to read / track in my notebook ===== Design Notes ===== [[Projects::noteswiki::advancedtagdesign]] ===== Plugins ===== {{anchor:plugins}} The following plugins are installed on this wiki * https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:yearbox * Example in [[:diary]] * https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexmenu * Example in [[:sidebar]] * https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:todo * https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:anchor * Example in [[projects:envoy:weboptionpassword|Web Based Option Password]] * https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:backlinks2 * Example here ===== Config ===== {{anchor:config}} * Set number of "trace" breadcrumbs to 0 * Set Use Hierarchical breadcrumbs to true * Set Use First Heading for Pagenames to Always ===== Todo ===== * Databaseish relational diagram * Automatically add anchor to todo * Automatically add anchor to titles * Show anchors in select link dialog * Custom Tags ie * Todo's with anchors * Ref tags for commits, with a link * Investigate template pages * People * Tasks * Others ===== Activity ===== * [[diary:2014-07:day-2014-07-06]] Created this version * [[diary:2014-07:day-2014-07-07]] Migrated some stuff from my work wiki ===== Backlinks ===== {{backlinks>.}}